La Terraza, 27 Bedford Road, SW4 7SH

La Terraza is great because:

  • You can sit on the pavement amongst the plants in the sun, drinking rose and eating calamari and feeling like you’re in Spain
  • They have lovely friendly Spanish waiters who may (or may not) give you a shot of fire water because he likes the fact you admired his silk shirt
  • Most of South London’s hispanic population is at the bar, watching the football or dancing to the music
  • You can rock up later or simply wander in after your dinner to have a drink at the bar and dance to live music from two guys playing fabulously 80s synth salsa on a keyboard
  • Oh yeah, yummy tapas.


This does really feel like a local restaurant and I always have tons of fun every time I go. The last few times I’ve turned up late, drank wine and danced salsa with an elderly Venezuelan gentleman, but this time El G and I went to eat.  We had: 

Pork fillet (Solomillo de cerdo) this was seriously yummy

Roasted peppers (pimientos asados) – a bit plain and sour for me sadly

Jamon jamon – nom nom nom

Sardines (sardinas) – yummy

All washed down with a lovely bottle of rose and we finished up with a plate of manchego which we ate with glasses of rioja.  No salsa that night but a lovely meal came to £58 or £29 each – great value and a fun night. Also check out Buena Vista Cuban bar round the corner on Landor Road – haven’t had a drink there yet (on the list!) but admired the live music, dancing and general merriment inside on my way to The Landor.

La Terraza on Urbanspoon

One response to “La Terraza, 27 Bedford Road, SW4 7SH

  1. Never going there again. How a place can go downhill in less than a year. Last year we had a pre-Christmas group meal and it was excellent. I am a vegan, my wife is a vegetarian and there were lots of tasty veggie tapas. After Christmas two of the group organised a Burns Night supper there. They catered very well for us with a vegan haggis. It was therefore very disappointing to go back there for the annual pre-Christmas group meal and to be treated so poorly. My wife went to the bar and bought a bottle of wine. She queried why she was being charged more than the price stated at the bar and was told that was because we were eating and therefore using tablecloths and serviettes! Our meal was a very bland and boring soup followed by an even blander and boring vegetable risotto. The meat eaters had vegetables with their food. We were told that we could not have vegetables to liven up our dish because they were not included, notwithstanding that we had paid the same money for a half-hearted risotto as the meat dishes. The final course was a choice between a dessert or coffee; last year coffee had been included. It is not cheap to eat there and I wish we had not bothered.

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